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Having Coffee with Deno - Inspiration

In a previous post, I mention my strategy of building relationships through one-on-ones. One approach in the post was leveraging a Slack plugin, Random Coffee, to automate scheduling these impromptu conversations.

Dinosaur sitting in a coffee cup

I wanted to leverage the same idea at my current company; however, we don't use Slack, so I can't just use that bot.

High-Level Breakdown

Thinking more about it, the system wouldn't be too complicated as it has three moving parts:

  • Get list of people
  • Create random pairs
  • Post message

To make it even easier, I could hardcode the list of people, and instead of posting the message to our message application, I could print it to the screen.

With these two choices made, I would need to build something that can shuffle a list and create pairs.

Technology Choices

Even though we're hardcoding the list of names and printing a message to the screen, I know that the future state is to get the list of names dynamically, most likely through an API call. In addition, most messaging systems support using webhooks to create a message, so that would be the future state as well.

With these restrictions in mind, I know I need to use a language that is good at making HTTP calls. I also want this automation to be something that other people outside of me can maintain, so if I can use a language that we typically use, that makes this more approachable.

In my case, TypeScript fit the bill as we heavily use it in my space, the docs are solid, and it's straightforward to make HTTP calls. I'm also a fan of functional programming, which TypeScript supports nicely.

My major hurdle at this point is that I'd like to execute this single file of TypeScript, and the only way I knew how to do that was by spinning up a Node application and using something like ts-node to execute the file.

Talking to a colleague, they recommended I check out Deno as a possible solution. The more I learned about it, the more I thought this would fit perfectly. It supports TypeScript out of the box (no configuration needed), and a file can be ran with deno run, no other tools needed.

This project is simple enough that if Deno wasn't a good fit, I could always go back to Node.

With this figured out, we're going to create a Deno application using TypeScript as our language of choice.

Getting Started With Deno

  1. Install Deno via these instructions
  2. Setup your dev environment - I use VS Code, so adding the recommended extension was all I needed.

Trying Deno Out

Once Deno has been installed and configured, you can run the following script and verify everything is working correctly. It creates a new directory called deno-coffee, writes a new file and executes it via deno.

mkdir deno-coffee
cd deno-coffee
echo 'console.log("Hello World");' >> coffee.ts
deno run coffee.ts

We've got something working, so let's start building out the random coffee script.

Let's Get Percolating

As mentioned before, we're going to hardcode a list of names and print to the screen, so let's build out the rough shape of the script:

const names = [
  "Green Lantern",
  "Wonder Woman",
  "Static Shock", // one of my favorite DC heroes!
  "The Flash",
  "Martian Manhunter",
const pairs = createPairsFrom(shuffle(names));
const message = createMessage(pairs);

This code won't compile as we haven't defined what shuffle, createPairsFrom, or createMessage does, but we can tackle these one at a time.

Let's Get Random

Since we don't want the same people meeting up every time, we need a way to shuffle the list of names. We could import a library to do this, but what's the fun in that?

In this case, we're going to implement the Fisher-Yates Shuffle (sounds like a dance move).

function shuffle(items: string[]): string[] {
  // create a copy so we don't mutate the original
  const result = [...items];
  for (let i = result.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
    // create an integer between 0 and i
    const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i);
    // short-hand for swapping two elements around
    [result[i], result[j]] = [result[j], result[i]];
  return result;

const words = ["apples", "bananas", "cantaloupes"];
console.log(shuffle(words)); // [ "bananas", "cantaloupes", "apples" ]

Excellent, we have a way to shuffle. One refactor we can make is to have shuffle be generic as we don't care what array element types are, as long as we have an array.

Making this refactor gives us the following:

function shuffle<T>(items: T[]): T[] {
  const result = [...items];
  for (let i = result.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
    const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * i);
    [result[i], result[j]] = [result[j], result[i]];
  return result;

Now, we can shuffle an array of anything. Nice!

Two of a Kind

Let's take a look at the next function, createPairsFrom. We know its type signature is going fromstring[] to something, but what?

In the ideal world, our total list of names is even, so we always have equal pairs.

{first: 'Batman', second: 'Superman'},
{first: 'Green Lantern', second: 'Wonder Woman'},
{first: 'Static Shock', second: 'The Flash'},
{first: 'Aquaman', second: 'Martian Manhunter'}

But what happens if Martian Manhunter is called away and isn't available? That would leave Aquaman without a pair to have coffee with (sad trombone noise).

In the case that we have an odd number of heroes, the last pair should instead be a triple which would look like the following:

{first: 'Batman', second: 'Superman'},
{first: 'Green Lantern', second: 'Wonder Woman'},
{first: 'Static Shock', second: 'The Flash', third: 'Martian Manhunter'}

Given that we've been using the word Pair to represent this grouping, we have a domain term we can use. This also means that createPairsFrom has the following type signature.

function createPairsFrom(names: string[]): Pair[] {
  // logic

But what does the Pair type look like? We can model either using an optional property or by using a discriminated union.

// Using an optional property
type Pair {
  first: string,
  second: string,
  third?: string

// Using Discriminated Unions
type Pair = {kind: 'double', first:string, second: string}
          | {kind: 'triple', first:string, second: string; third: string}

For now, I'm thinking of going with the optional property and if we need to tweak it later, we can.

Let's go ahead and implement createPairsFrom.

function createPairsFrom(names: string[]): Pair[] {
  // if we don't have at least two names, then there are no pairs
  if (names.length < 2) {
    return [];
  const results = [];
  for (let i = 0; i <= names.length - 2; i += 2) {
    const pair: Pair = { first: names[i], second: names[i + 1] };
  if (names.length % 2 === 1) {
    // we have an odd length
    // Assign the left-over name to the third of the triple
    results[results.length - 1].third = names[names.length - 1];
  return results;

// Example execution
console.log(createPairsFrom(["apples", "bananas", "cantaloupes", "dates"])); // [{first:"apples", second:"bananas"}, {first:"cantaloupes", second:"dates"}]
console.log(createPairsFrom(["ants", "birds", "cats"])); // [{first:"ants", second:"birds", third:"cats"}]

Similarly to shuffle, we can make this function generic as it doesn't matter what the array element types are, as long as we have an array to work with.

Refactoring to generics gives us the following:

type Pair<T> = { first: T; second: T; third?: T };

function createPairsFrom<T>(items: T[]): Pair<T>[] {
  // same function as before

To the Presses!

For the last part, we need to implement createMessage. We know it has to have the following type signature:

function createMessage(pairs: Pair<string>[]): string {}

We know the following rules.

  • When it's a double, we want the message to say, X meets with Y
  • When it's a triple, we want the message to say, X meets with Y and Z

Based on this, we need a way to map from Pair to the above string. So let's write that logic.

function createMessage(pairs: Pair<string>[]): string {
  const mapper = (p: Pair<string>) =>
    `${p.first} meets with ${p.second}${p.third ? ` and ${p.third}` : ""}`;;

From here, we can join the strings together using the \n (newline) character.

function createMessage(pairs: Pair<string>[]): string {
  const mapper = (p: Pair<string>) =>
    `${p.first} meets with ${p.second}${p.third ? ` and ${p.third}` : ""}`;


All Coming Together

With the implementation of createMessage, we can execute our script by running deno run coffee.ts

deno run coffee.ts

"Superman meets with Wonder Woman
Batman meets with The Flash
Martian Manhunter meets with Aquaman
Static Shock meets with Green Lantern"

From here, we have a working proof of concept of our idea. We could run this manually on Mondays and then post this to our messaging channel (though you might want to switch the names out). If you wanted to be super fancy, you could have this scheduled as a cron job or through Windows Task Scheduler.

The main takeaway is that we've built something we didn't have before and can continue to refine and improve. If no one likes the idea, guess what? We only had a little time invested. If it takes off, then that's great; we can spend more time making it better.

Wrapping Up

In this post, we built the first version of our Random Coffee script using TypeScript and Deno. We focused on getting our tooling working and building out the business rules for shuffling and creating the pairs.

In the next post, we'll look at making this script smarter by having it retrieve a list of names dynamically from GitHub's API!

As always, you can find a full working version of this bot on my GitHub.