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Mars Rover – Implementing Rover – Refactoring Rover

Welcome to the eighth installment of Learning Through Example – Mars Rover! In this post, we’re going to examine the Rover class and see what refactoring we can do based on some patterns we’re seeing with MoveForward, MoveBackward, and TurnLeft. After looking at the characteristics, we’ll explore a couple of different approaches with their pros and cons. Finally, we’ll make the refactor, using our test suite to make sure we didn’t regress in functionality.

What’s The Problem

If we look at the definition for Rover, it becomes clear that we have some major code duplication going on with regards to its MoveForward, MoveBackward, and TurnLeft methods.

public class Rover
  public Direction Orientation {get; set;}
  public Coordinate Location {get; set;}

  public Rover()
    Orientation = Direction.North;
    Location = new Coordinate {X=0, Y=0};

  public void MoveForward()
    if (Orientation == Direction.North) {
      Location = Location.AdjustYBy(1);
    if (Orientation == Direction.South) {
      Location = Location.AdjustYBy(-1);
    if (Orientation == Direction.East) {
      Location = Location.AdjustXBy(1);
    if (Orientation == Direction.West) {
      Location = Location.AdustXBy(-1);

  public void MoveBackward()
    if (Orientation == Direction.North) {
      Location = Location.AdjustYBy(-1);
    if (Orientation == Direction.South) {
      Location = Location.AdjustYBy(1);
    if (Orientation == Direction.East) {
      Location = Location.AdjustXBy(-1);
    if (Orientation == Direction.West) {
      Location = Location.AdjustXBy(1);

  public void TurnLeft()
    if (Orientation == Direction.North) {
      Orientation = Direction.West;
    else if (Orientation == Direction.West) {
      Orientation = Direction.South;
    else if (Orientation == Direction.South) {
      Orientation = Direction.East;
    else if (Orientation == Direction.East) {
      Orientation = Direction.North;

Based on the implementations, it seems like knowing what Direction the Rover is facing is a key rule to determine what update the Rover needs to do. The big pain point with this block of statements is that if we added a new Direction (like NorthEast), then we’d have to update these statements in multiple places even though all of these instances are referring to the same concept (i.e is the Rover facing this Direction). The other, more nuanced issue is that if we added a new Direction, there’s nothing forcing us to update all of these places because of our use of if/else.

How To Resolve?

From what we’re seeing, the primary issue are the duplicated if/else statements, so one of our primary design goals should be to have that logic in one place (instead of three different places). From there, we’d also like to have a way for the compiler to force us to handle the different Directions that the Rover is facing.

Isolating the if/else

In order to isolate the if/else, let’s go ahead and extract the logic to a new private method

private xxx Execute(xxxx)
  if (Orientation == Direction.North) {
  else if (Orientation == Direction.South) {
  else if (Orientation == Direction.East) {
  else if (Orientation == Direction.West) {

We’ve now got the if/else isolated, but there are some questions on what the return type of this method should be or what parameters it will take. In order to answer those questions, let’s take a look at a couple of different approaches.

Using a Functional Approach

Now that we have a method that can operate given the Rover's Orientation, one approach we could do is to modify this method to take in an Action for every possible Orientation. Then based on the Orientation, the appropriate Action is called.

private void Execute(Action ifNorth, Action ifSouth, Action ifEast, Action ifWest)
  if (Orientation == Direction.North) {
  else if (Orientation == Direction.South) {
  else if (Orientation == Direction.East) {
  else if (Orientation == Direction.West) {

With this implementation, TurnLeft would look like

public void TurnLeft()
  Action ifNorth = () => Orientation = Direction.West;
  Action ifWest = () => Orientation = Direction.South;
  Action ifSouth = () => Orientation = Direction.East;
  Action ifEast = () => Orientation = Direction.North;

  Execute(ifNorth, ifSouth, ifEast, ifWest);

And MoveForward would look like

public void MoveForward()
  Action ifNorth = () => Location=Location.AdjustYBy(1);
  Action ifSouth = () => Location=Location.AdjustYBy(-1);
  Action ifEast = () => Location=Location.AdjustXBy(1);
  Action ifWest = () => Location=Location.AdjustXBy(-1);

  Execute(ifNorth, ifSouth, ifEast, ifWest);


The primary advantage of this approach is that in order to call Execute, you have to pass a parameter for the different directions. If you fail to do so, the code will fail to compile, which forces developers to handle the various use cases.

Furthermore, if there’s a bug in any of the Actions, then for troubleshooting, we’d need to know what method caused the problem and what the rover’s Orientation was and we can quickly figure out what the problem is.


When using this approach, one thing to keep in mind is if we need to support additional Directions in the future. The Execute method is already taking in four parameters and keeping them in the right order is difficult enough. What about five, six, or ten directions to support? The function signature would quickly become unwieldy.

In addition, the other downside to this approach is that if any of the Actions were to become much more complicated, it would start cluttering up the respective Move or Turn methods.

Using an Object-Oriented Approach

Now that we have a method that can operate given the Rover‘s Orientation, another approach is to introduce the Strategy pattern where we would need to create the following types

  • IMovementStrategy – an interface that lists the different kinds of movements that can be done (currently MoveForward, MoveBackward, and TurnLeft)
  • NorthMovementStrategy – a new class that implements the IMovementStrategy and is responsible for the various business rules when moving and facing North
  • GetMovementStrategy – a method in Rover that for the current Orientation, returns the right implementation of IMovementStrategy
  • Update the existing move methods to use GetMovementStrategy

First, let’s take a look at the IMovementStrategy definition

internal IMovementStrategy()
  Coordinate MoveForward(Coordinate coordinate);
  Coordinate MoveBackward(Coordinate coordinate);
  Direction TurnLeft();

The key takeaway for this type is that if we need to add an additional movement (like TurnRight), we’ll need to update this interface. Taking a closer look, we’ve defined the signatures for all of the methods to return a value (either a Location or a Direction). We have to make this change because no Strategy will have access to the Rover itself, so it’ll need to return the correct value for Rover to hold onto.

Next, let’s take a look at an example implementation for when the Orientation is North

internal class NorthMovementStrategy : IMovementStrategy
  public Coordinate MoveForward(Coordinate coordinate)
    return coordinate.AdjustYBy(1);
  public Coordinate MoveBackward(Coordinate coordinate)
    return coordinate.AdjustYBy(-1);
  public Direction TurnLeft()
    return Direction.West;

If you look closer, we’ve essentially moved the business rules for the three methods from the existing business rules. We would repeat this process for the other Directions (yielding a SouthMovementStrategy, an EastMovementStrategy, and a WestMovementStrategy)

Now that we have the various strategies in place, we can create the GetMovementStrategy method

private IMovementStrategy GetStrategy()
  if (Orientation == Direction.North) {
   return new NorthMovementStrategy();
  else if (Orientation == Direction.South) {
    return new SouthMovementStrategy();
  else if (Orientation == Direction.East) {
    return new EastMovementStrategy();
  else if (Orientation == Direction.West) {
    return new WestMovementStrategy();

Which then would allow us to refactor TurnLeft as the following

public void TurnLeft()
  var movementStrategy = GetMovementStrategy();
  Orientation = movementStrategy.TurnLeft();

And MoveForward as

public void MoveForward()
  var movementStrategy = GetMovementStrategy();
  Location = movementStrategy.MoveForward(Location);


When using this approach, we can easily extend functionality when new Directions are added. For example, if we added NorthEast, then we would create a new MovementStrategy, have it implement the interface and fill in business rules (also allowing us to easily add tests as we go). From there, we would update the GetMovementStrategy method to return the new strategy. By adding new functionality by primarily writing new code and making very little modifications to existing code, we can adhere to the Open/Closed Principle from SOLID design.


The major drawback of this approach is that we had to create a lot of boilerplate code to make everything hang. One interface, four implementations, and a factory method for creating the appropriate strategy for a given Orientation.

The other, more subtle, drawback is that one must be aware of the pivot point of change. For example, we originally made this refactor based on strategies of what to do when faced in a given Direction. This made sense as an easy refactor. However, we’ve now made it easy to support a new Direction when added, but if we were to add a new Command instead, we would update the IMovementStrategy with the new method which would break all implementations. Once that happens, we have no choice but to implement the whole feature at once.

Personally, I’m a proponent of delivering value in small chunks and verify that we’re building the right thing, but in this case, this approach doesn’t make that easy.

Start the Refactor

Given the above options, I’m going to choose the more functional approach mostly because the business rules in my case are one-liners. If they were more complex, then I’d lean heavily more towards the Strategy pattern.

With that in mind, I’m going to go ahead and define the general Execute method as such

private void Execute(Action ifNorth, Action ifSouth, Action ifEast, Action ifWest)
  if (Orientation == Direction.North) {
  else if (Orientation == Direction.South) {
  else if (Orientation == Direction.East) {
  else if (Orientation == Direction.West) {

Once that’s in place, I can go ahead and refactor TurnLeft to use the Execute method.

public void TurnLeft()
  Action ifNorth = () => Orienation = Direction.West;
  Action ifWest = () => Orientation = Direction.South;
  Action ifSouth = () => Orientation = Direction.East;
  Action ifEast = () => Orientation = Direction.North;

  Execute(ifNorth, ifSouth, ifEast, ifWest);

Now that I’ve updated TurnLeft, I can run the tests to make sure I didn’t break functionality. This is where the power of automated tests come to play. I can have higher confidence that my refactor didn’t break anything because of the test suite.

After verifying that the tests pass for TurnLeft, I’ll continue refactoring MoveForward

public void MoveForward()
  Action ifNorth = () => Location=Location.AdjustYBy(1);
  Action ifSouth = () => Location=Location.AdjustYBy(-1);
  Action ifEast = () => Location=Location.AdjustXBy(1);
  Action ifWest = () => Location=Location.AdjustXBy(-1);

  Execute(ifNorth, ifSouth, ifEast, ifWest);

and MoveBackward using the same technique

public void MoveForward()
  Action ifNorth = () => Location=Location.AdjustYBy(1);
  Action ifSouth = () => Location=Location.AdjustYBy(-1);
  Action ifEast = () => Location=Location.AdjustXBy(1);
  Action ifWest = () => Location=Location.AdjustXBy(-1);

  Execute(ifNorth, ifSouth, ifEast, ifWest);

public void MoveBackward()
  Action ifNorth = () => Location=Location.AdjustYBy(-1);
  Action ifSouth = () => Location=Location.AdjustYBy(1);
  Action ifEast = () => Location=Location.AdjustXBy(-1);
  Action ifWest = () => Location=Location.AdjustXBy(1);

  Execute(ifNorth, ifSouth, ifEast, ifWest);

One Final Touch

So at this point, we’ve successfully refactored MoveForward, MoveBackward, and TurnLeft to use Execute instead of their own logic, but the more I look at Execute, the more I want to convert the if/else into a switch statement because a switch is going to force us to implement the different Directions whereas the if/else pattern did not. So let’s go ahead and make that change.

public void Execute(Action ifNorth, Action ifSouth, Action ifEast, Action ifWest)
    case Direction.North: ifNorth(); break;
    case Direction.South: ifSouth(); break;
    case Direction.East: ifEast(); break;
    case Direction.West: ifWest(); break;

And we can verify that our refactored worked like a top!

Wrapping Up

At this point, we’ve made some good changes to the Rover with how the various methods work by examining the duplication (the if/else), extracting the duplication to a single area, and the compared the functional approach and the OOP approach via the Strategy pattern. In the next post, we’ll take on implementing TurnRight and see how our new refactor works in practice when adding new functionality!