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Better Domain Modeling with Discriminated Unions

When I think about software, I like designing software so that doing the right things are easy and doing the wrong things are impossible (or at least very hard). This approach is typically called falling into the pit of success.

Having a well-defined domain model can prevent many mistakes from happening just because the code literally won't let it happen (either through a compilation error or other mechanisms).

I'm a proponent of functional programming as it allows us to model software in a better way that can reduce the number of errors we make.

Let's at one of my favorite techniques discriminated unions.


In the GitHub API, there's an endpoint that allows you to get the events that have occurred for a pull request.

Let's take a look at the example response in the docs.

    "id": 6430295168,
    "url": "",
    "event": "locked",
    "commit_id": null,
    "commit_url": null,
    "created_at": "2022-04-13T20:49:13Z",
    "lock_reason": null
    "id": 6430296748,
    "url": "",
    "event": "labeled",
    "commit_id": null,
    "commit_url": null,
    "created_at": "2022-04-13T20:49:34Z",
    "label": {
      "name": "beta",
      "color": "99dd88"
    "id": 6635165802,
    "url": "",
    "event": "renamed",
    "commit_id": null,
    "commit_url": null,
    "created_at": "2022-05-18T19:29:01Z",
    "rename": {
      "from": "Secret scanning: dry-runs for enterprise-level custom patterns (cloud)",
      "to": "Secret scanning: dry-runs for enterprise-level custom patterns"

Based on the name of the docs, it seems like we'd expect to get back an array of events, let's call this TimelineEvent[].

Let's go ahead and define the TimelineEvent type. One approach is to start copying the fields from the events in the array. By doing this, we would get the following.

type TimelineEvent = {
  id: number;
  url: string;
  event: string;
  commit_id?: string;
  commit_url?: string;
  created_at: string;
  lock_reason?: string;
  label?: {
    name: string;
    color: string;
  rename?: {
    from: string;
    to: string;

The Problem

This definition will work, as it will cover all the data. However, the problem with this approach is that lock_reason, label, and rename had to be defined as nullable as they can sometimes be specified, but not always (for example, the lock_reason isn't specified for a label event).

Let's say that we wanted to write a function that printed data about TimelineEvent, we would have to write something like the following:

function printData(event: TimelineEvent) {
  if (event.event === "labeled") {
    console.log(event.label!.name); // note the ! here, to tell TypeScript that I know it'll have a value
  } else if (event.event == "locked") {
  } else {
    console.log(event.rename!.from); // note the ! here, to tell Typescript that I know it'll have a value

The main problem is that the we have to remember that the labeled event has a label property, but not the locked property. It might not be a big deal right now, but given that the GitHub API has over 40 event types, the odds of forgetting which properties belong where can be challenging.

The pattern here is that we have a type TimelineEvent that can have different, separate shapes, and we need a type that can represent all the shapes.

The Solution

One of the cool things about Typescript is that there is a union operator (|), that allows you to define a type as one of the other types.

Let's refactor our TimelineEvent model to use the union operator.

First, we need to define the different events as their own types

type LockedEvent = {
  id: number;
  url: string;
  event: "locked"; // note the hardcoded value for event
  commit_id?: string;
  commit_url?: string;
  created_at: string;
  lock_reason?: string;

type LabeledEvent = {
  id: number;
  url: string;
  event: "labeled"; // note the hardcoded value for event
  commit_id?: string;
  commit_url: string;
  created_at: string;
  label: {
    name: string;
    color: string;

type RenamedEvent = {
  id: number;
  url: string;
  event: "renamed"; // note the hardcoded value for event
  commit_id?: string;
  commit_url?: string;
  created_at: string;
  rename: {
    from: string;
    to: string;

At this point, we have three types, one for each specific event. A LockedEvent has no knowledge of a label property and a RenamedEvent has no knowledge of a lock_reason property.

Next, we can update our definition of TimelineEvent to use the union operator as so.

type TimelineEvent = LockedEvent | LabeledEvent | RenamedEvent;

This would be read as A TimelineEvent can either be a LockedEvent or a LabeledEvent or a RenamedEvent.

With this new definition, let's rewrite the printData function.

function printData(event: TimelineEvent) {
  if (event.event == "labeled") {
    console.log(; // note that we no longer need !
  } else if (event.event == "locked") {
  } else {
    console.log(; // note that we no longer need !

Not only do we not have to use the ! operator to ignore type safety, but we also have better autocomplete (note that locked_reason and rename don't appear when working with a labeled event). Better autocomplete

Deeper Dive

At a general level, what we've modeled is a sum type and it's great for when you have a type that can take on a finite number of differing shapes.

Sum types are implemented as either tagged unions or untagged unions. Typescript has untagged unions, however, other languages like Haskell and F#, use tagged unions. Let's see what the same implementation in F# would have looked like.

// specific type definitions omitted since they're
// similar to typescript definition
// ....
type TimelineEvent = Locked of LockedEvent | Labeled of LabeledEvent | Renamed of RenamedEvent

let printData e =
    match e with
    | Locked l -> printf "%s" l.lock_reason
    | Labeled l -> printf "%s"
    | Renamed r -> printf "%s" r.rename.``to`` // the `` is needed here as to is a reserved word in F#

A tagged union is when each shape has a specific constructor. So in the F# version, the Locked is the tag for the LockedEvent, Labeled is the tag for the LabeledEvent, so on and so forth. In the Typescript example, we worked around it because the event property is on every TimelineEvent and is a different value.

If that wasn't true, then we would had to have added a field to TimelineEvent (typically called kind or tag) that would help us differentiate between the various shapes.

Wrapping Up

When defining domain models where the model can have different shapes, you can use a sum type to define the model.